Never miss a Monday…

Motivation quotes are great and then embed the quote on a picture of an athlete going HAM – instant success, right?

This blog is going to run counter to any of the current get fit/skinny/healthy fad programs of the day. This is a personal tracker (read accountability) for my journey as I prepare for a couple of Spartan Beasts and a Ragnar Relay. We put in hard work everyday, eat clean and #chasewellness in every pursuit.

Yesterday’s WOD was a good test.

8 minute EMOM

  • 10 KB DL (2 * 53)
  • 30 Double Unders

15 Minute Metcon

27, 21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3

  • Thrusters @ 75 lbs
  • Push-Ups/Barbell Row (Alternated rounds to get a pull into the WOD)


  • Strict Pull Ups 4 * 8

In the evening, I followed up with a nice ROMWOD session and some meditation.